Seis libros publicados ahora.

Seis libros publicados ahora.

Tres en mi colección Walk With Dann,

una independiente, The Last Canadian Cosmonaut

Y las dos primeras de mi Walking on Dawes Collection.

El último cosmonauta canadiense es probablemente mi favorito.

Verá una gran diferencia entre mi colección Walk With Dann y la colección Walking On Dawes.

Dejé los primeros dos libros en bruto con los errores de theb en ellos – como yo áspero y lleno de errores

“You Can’t See Me” – Walking On Dawes Collection – Volume 2

Available now at


“You Can’t See Me”

Walking On Dawes Collection

Volume 2

This is a portrait of a broken man living a broken life in a broken world where family and friendship are one and the same.

Where wrong choices can lead to lifelong regrets. Haunting the very soul and stabbing the heart daily to remind you of the penalties of actions.

Where a man can be all alone and un-noticed in a crowded room.

Where sadness shadows joy and joy masks sadness.

This is the life of one man on one street in one city.

A man who let his darkness blind his Light.

Come, Walk on Dawes Road and trace his steps……