
Those who know me overstand how the greater my pain or whatever tragedy I may be experiencing in life,  I persistently find the humorous side of said life.

My pain is insane. You could say it has caught up to my personality. Lol

I caught myself slipping  down the dark pathway to depression and “Oh poor me.”

This I must tell does not sit with me well.

To make a feeble attempt to quell the darkness I am returning to complete the second book in my “That’s My Good Eye,  Jimi” series.

A Canadian Saga

The saga of four lads from the South End of Saint John continues.

This series walks a completely different pathway than my earlier works. Simple tales of the struggles and growth of four life long friends going through life.

The first of the series, “Metanoia” introduces you to Madman McIsaac, Dirtbag, Boston Bob and Shake as they burst out of childhood and into manhood.

Available at:


Or just Google “LightHouse Dann”

“I think, therefore, You are.”
My son, Delaney Jordan McLean Verner’s Tragic Biography.

Covid 19 Exists. Conspiracy or Not

Not often I write about politics. I believe it to be a waste of time as everyone has their opinion and to argue with them is futile.

But …… I am so sick of Facebook and other Social Media educated sheep who miraculously know everything attempting to convince me that there is no pandemic.

I am sure that they are thousands of medical students who would have gladly saved thousands of dollars going to university and Medical School if they had known they could become “EXPERTS” by merely opening a social media account.

We are insulting every single Covid 19 victim and adding even more despondency to their surviving family members and loved ones.

Ford dropped the ball at stage one.

This all could have been avoided if the government had acted right away with stronger solutions. 

Ford always waits too long to act. Not just with the pandemic, but all his political activities.

The passport thing is a fiasco.

We have had the passports for years.

The yellow ones that you have to show in order to attend public schools. One time I couldn’t find Jordan’s and he wasn’t allowed to start the school year until I got a replacement.

All you have to do is get your doctor to update the “passport” you have had since birth. Medically it is labeled “Immunization Records.”

Surprisingly we all survived the numerous vaccinations we received over our lifetime.

Sadly, their are a few who may have had complications from a previous vaccination. There is nothing in the world that is 100 percent. ook at the majority of us who have gotten to live long healthy lives due to our childhood vaccinations.

The majority of the antivaxxers have had all the same vaccinations that everyone else received as a child. Surprisingly,  they are still alive and able to say that they would never receive a vaccination.  Hypocritical to the max.

This is all political game playing. Dividing the masses to cause chaos and confusion.  While we are all arguing over minutia, the politicians are doing what they wish. Sneaking other things past us, i.e.: tax hikes, development contracts, etc., while we are concentrating on the Covid fiasco.

Diversion politics.

Commonly used by the military during wars to divide so as they can conquer.

I am forced to wear a mask and “cork” my trachea airway tube everywhere I go. Many days causing me to suffer from lack of oxygen and fall ill.  Literally, ‘fall’ from blacking out fighting to breathe. I got vaxxed asap due to the condition of my lungs – a common cold could easily kill me.

I take great offence towards these idiots saying they are  “medically exempt” – no such thing or believe me I would not wear a mask.

This will go on for two or more years because BOTH sides are too involved with blame laying and playing into the politicians game.

Makes no difference if Covid is a conspiracy or not. It’s way too late for that blame game.

End if day – Covid 19 now exists and it is killing people.

Anyone that thinks otherwise should go spend some time in an ICU. Watch the horrible way the Covid victims die.

I am scarred for life from what I saw and listened to when my lungs collapsed and I was in the ICU.  12 people died in about 10 hours my first night in.

Instead of arguing and having conspiracy theories,  we should be working together to stop the virus in it’s tracks.

As I said, makes no difference at all how the virus came to be – it’s here and it’s killing people.

Now that most adults are vaxxed it is attacking our children.

We live in a society of whiners and  many groups who are going out of their way to cause chaos.

Ulterior motives that intelligent groups have used to target the less informed and, perhaps,  less educated,  so as they can achieve whatever their goals are.

Covid 19 exists and it is killing people.

To think otherwise is absurd and idiotic.

Not to mention it is a horrendous slap in the face of every front line worker supporting staff.

How it came to be makes no difference.  If a building catches fire by arson or by accident,  makes no difference. You still have to put the fire out.

Tell the families of Covid 19 victims that it is not real. You are insulting these families in the most despicable way.

To believe there is no pandemic only fortifies my belief that our society is overrun with brainwashed sheeple.

Take the time you are wasting arguing and, perhaps, use it to assist in eradicating Covid 19.

Bear in mind that there have been other forms of covid viruses and there will be many more in years to come.

Bring on the hate – I love it good argument.

Because I Refuse To Enter A Hospice Does Not Make Me A Fool

I opted out of the Hospice route. Because I refuse to enter a hospice does not make me a fool. In my day they didn’t exist. I shall pass like man always did before hospices and such. Sitting at home or, hopefully, by the ocean, with my loved ones by my side.
Doctors want me to go the Hospice route thinking that will be easier. Hospice is like waiting for a sentence at a murder trial. Waiting for the verdict that will determine the remainder of your days and getting all anxious. Knowing what is to become a reality. Not knowing when that reality will take place.

I have accepted the destiny that the medical and psychological professionals have been pushing on me, but I will not subscribe to their defeated attitudes and their quick willingness to accept “defeat” and surrender to the obvious.
Two years ago they said if I did not have the surgeries to remove my esophagus, larynx and everything else in my throat cavity I would die. I did die twice since then. Not from what they had said would take place. Once from the septic blood poisoning and then when my spleen exploded.
Two years later I am still walking, talking and swallowing food. All three being things the professionals said I would no longer be able to do.
Which brings me to wonder how many opted for the surgeries that left them with a zero quality of life and most passed within the first post treatment year anyways?
Long story short, I have “non treatable stage 4 Squamous Cell Carcinoma, stage 4 oro pharyngeal head & throat cancer, stage 3 Emphysema and, now, my Chronic Heart Disease” is advancing rapidly. Stage 4. My 3 working valves are turning to calcium. I had an angioplasty nine years ago but it is out of the question this time.
Every single doctor, and even the “married” ones, (my sick sense of humour escapes once again), I have seen all say that they cannot explain medically how I can even stand up, lest alone walk. They ALL say that the only way to explain me being alive is a “miracle”.

I do not subscribe to the traditional Catholicism or any of Society’s manmade “Religions”. I am not in any form or practice a religious man. I am “Spiritual”, not religious. I am a “Believer” in “FAITH” 100 percent. WHY? Because I have witnessed the power of Faith and upon all my documented and non-documented deaths I have been enlightened in ways I cannot say. My autobiography reveals all and explains in far greater detail this aspect of my lives. If you want to delve deeper into my after death experiences, read my “Walk With Dann Collection“.

If I believed and followed my doctors orders and advice, I would be dead 2 years past. Personally, I could not allow that to become a reality. I am going to live till July, 2032. Only difference, like the dream I have been having for years, a “LightHouse” thing, is that I will be missing a lot of parts. One leg, arm, ear, etc. Ask anyone who knows me well how many times I have told them about the LightHouse premonition of my many deaths. I am not a patron of old school Catholicism, but I have Faith and I do “believe” and I know that my version is the right path for me to follow. I know because my Faith told me so, not “my Bible told me so“. As you will see if you read the accounts of my afterdeath experiences, my encounters with the afterlife are not what non-fictional articles and fictional portray in their movies, songs and stories.

So, against all medical advice and just to peeve off those who could care least, I shall remain alive. I will fight for life. I will continue to defy Death’s demands. Death can go feed off the corpses of the damned and the evil.

I am as amazed and confused as to why I am still alive as all the professionals are. I am not complaining. I gladly accept my destiny regarding all of this.

I gladly accept that I am STILL alive.



If you get a diagnoses of cancer, do not “jump” into treatment. From experience, I can tell you that the Cancer clinic will want you to start treatment almost instantaneously. They do so out of hope of catching and treating you before it is too late.

Please do not take me wrong and think I am saying to refuse treatment. Lords no, please do not ever do that. Of course you should take treatment. But, before you take another step, research, ask for your options, research again, discuss with the Treatment Team, then research again and then sit with your dearest loved ones and discuss, research and debate the options. Make all your decisions after you have calmed any anxieties. Make them after you have researched and discussed your situations with the ones you trust the most.

If you have anything, questions or just want my opinion about your situation and/or want to talk to someone who has been and still is going through their battle, I am here. SERIOUSLY. Contact me and I will definitely respond as soon as possible.


Strapped down for radiation treatments
Not as bad as it appears. Personally I had no problem with the “CAGE” as they call it.

Dying Dann’s Adventures With Death #13

Am I the sum of my fears?

If this is the truth, then I must discover what those “fears” are.

The Sum of My Subliminal Fears

Are they my obvious fears or are they subliminal ones? The latter being the most dangerous of all. For they are the ones that took me a lifetime to supress.

My heart says I fear not many things. My instincts say that I am lying through my false teeth.

Why do we supress feelings of any sort? Is it geneticly implanted or is it just a “learned” behaviour?

My opinion is that we fear the unknown.

When confronted with our fear we automatically withdraw. Some of us will do so in order to “fall back and regroup”. These are the wise souls.

Others withdraw and bury their emotions deeply into their subconscious. Especially those with preexisting anxiety disorders. They are trapped by their inability to verbalize their behaviour. Their fear causing paralysis. Mentally and physically.

Like the false smiles we often wear to hide our pains and confusions. A mask to hide the fact that we do not know what to or how to seek relief and consolation from our mindset.

False Smiles on Cloudy Days

My “everyday fears” include my greatest fear – Drowning. During my youth I had a very close call with drowning when a foster father put six of us in a jetboat built for two. No life jackets. When he spun the engine to full throttle the craft dove straight down instead of the expected hydroplaning. Luckily I survived. One of the other foster children did not.

So, here we have a fear that can easily be dealt with. Simply stay away from the situations that may put me in the danger of drowning. Yet, even with this solution, I will still encounter times where getting on a boat will be a necessity.

That surpressed fright will surface so fast that anyone within eyesight will be able to say, “That dude is scared crapless.”

Which will make my second most fear come to surface. The fear of people knowing that I am not the “fearless tough guy” they all thought me to be.

I fear the fear of fearing more than anything else.

So, I ask you this, “What fear are you suppressing the most?

What sadness are you hiding behind blue eyes?

I will come back to this topic at a later date. I want to fall back and regroup my thoughts and then I will be able to expose my deepest dreams and fears. Be they nightmares or like something out of Carlos Castanedas “The Art of Dreaming”.

Well, maybe more of a clip from Anthony Burgess’s “A Clockwork Orange.”

Yes, yes, yes. Definitely a Clockwork Orange is a prime example of what is live streaming within the chasms of my eccentric and ecclectic mind.

I will visit my subconscious vault and see what I can discover and what I am surpressing.Deep thoughts .

Deep thoughts take a long shovel to unearth. In my case I may need a large bore mining drill to reach the depths of my inner being.

LeRuz La Rose – You Need To Know Her

This blog I published awhile back.

Now, with the launch of her web page


I felt it only proper to re-post with updates.

Okay y’all gotta listen here. A while back I had to write a blog about this Angel and her natural talent .

I told you all then that you have to know her.

From opera, Christmas , classical, modern and whatever genre there may be. Miss LeRuz La Rose puts 100% into it and makes old biker gangsters cry happy tears.

What she does for her Bronx community is beyond words.

I will let you go check her page and see the five thousand other endeavours she has.

This woman is so humble that she does not know she is a genuine Living Angel.

Which would explain why she must never sleep because she has numerous Praying It Forward shows or fundraising or something that benefits others on the go at any given time.

I get teary eyed EVERY time I watch or listen to her. Because true talent and pure hearts are my Heroin.

There is so much factory produced PERFORMERS out there.

There are but a handful of ENTERTAINERS .

Who will be the next Leonard Cohen or Ed Sheeran?

So my knowing Miss LeRuz story makes me overstand and understand that she is a true Living Angel.

I am rambling because such souls as hers are few and 50 years between. In 62 years I have discovered only one other and that was in 1999.




Our ENTERTAINERS need our support to get past the mire of reality show and factory cloned PERFORMERS.


Through a Facebook acquaintance, Carlos Colon, an excellent photographer, videographer and excellent editor, I was introduced to this divine artist.


My first taste of her work was her single “The Way I Feel“.

The video captured my attention and I found myself adding it to my daily playlist. Carlos Colon’s magic eye captured her true form and her dance mesmerized me.

Rarely these days we are Blessed to see an actual talented artist perform.

Mainstream media prefers to make coin insulting our eyes and ears with factory produced artists or senseless songs with mindless repetitive lyrics.

This video says it all! It shows her talents without her even aware of how fantastic the said talent is.

The walk through the Park, her mind on love and bliss flows evenly and then, BAM!, at 1:47 seconds in she happens across an African Drum session and out comes her natural Nubian roots and she smashes the African Dance.

Personally, I fell in love at 1:48 seconds into the video.

Miss La Ruz is talented. And she just did not pop into the scene either. She started out in her preteens writing poetry and prose and then adding music.

It is obvious the influences of her quest to be a performer came from MoTown, Jazz and a touch of the Blues. You can feel the influences of bands such as ‘The O’Jays’, ‘The Supreme’s’ and ‘Minnie Riperton‘.

Her natural dance rhythms could only have been attained from growing up as a mere child and watching her elders move to their favorite tunes. I suspect her childhood was filled with Motown and old school jazz. You can feel the impact that era of music has had within her when watching and listening to her works.

And it is “WORK’. She paid her dues via never giving up on her dream.

At one point early in her career she stepped away from performing to further her education. It was at this time she taught herself how to play the piano.

Her decision to pursue a career as a performer came after she had attended the USDAN Camp. This led to her performing as an opera singer. Again we see how multi-talented LeRuz is.

Her ability to sing all or any genre of music is a gift from the Creator’s themselves.

Listen to how natural she performs “Sanctus/Benedictus” ……

Her vocal talents are beyond definition. My past Christmas song list began with her festive covers such as this ….

In short, Miss LeRuz La Rose is a talent worth following.

I have focused on her music, but she is far more than that. She is a song writer, singer, dancer, model, fashion designer, dancer and an actress.

She was Blessed to have performed in three Amas Musical Theatre productions.

In “GODSPELL” she starred as “Sonia”.

In “FOOTLOOSE” she played “Rusty”.

And in “ON THE TOWN” she played “Ms. Turnstile”

Her stage debuts were followed with a stint in the band “Bitter Sweet”.

Unfortunately for them, she left to pursue her solo career. Signing with the legendary B-Boy Records/Boogie Down Productions in 2007.

It is not that often an artist catches my soul and she has done just that. I believe it is her diversity that attracts me the most.

I could go on and on about her performances, but jog over to YouTube and show her some love and discover for yourself.

NOW ……..

Here is a little kicker that shows the dedication and drive this young Nubian Queen has …


Yes, you read right. She has diversified herself as an entrepeneur and has co-founded a wine label.



Listen to her cover of “Minnie Riperton’s – Loving You” …

In conclusion trust when I say that rarely are there talents such as we have been gifted with by artists such as Miss LeRuz La Rose.

Here are a few more of my favorite tunes by her and following is various links to her works.

And here are a few pictures of this fabulous artist…….


What the frack is wrong with these modern day, so-called “gangsters”?

Guns solve nothing!!!! Believe me, I know.

Shooting at another low life with ill regard of children or innocent people just makes you all GOOFS.

Banning guns and restricting ammo sales will do SHIT!

Bring a three strike law with an automatic life sentence into play.

Stop passing out bails and “multiple” bails for serious offences.

By needing a “second” bail, have you not violated the “first” bail? Are you not suppose to be keeping the peace and be of good behavior?

Fucking lock all these gang members up, once and for all.



#LighthouseDannVerner #amazonauthorlighthouseverner #TheLastCanadianCosmonaut #TheOriginalUrbanViking #walkingondawescollection

These Are My Published Books To Date

Last week I published my third volume of my “Walking On Dawes Collection”
This collection shows how no matter how fantastic you believe ganglife to be, Miss Karma and her brother, Mr. Chaos always wins in the end.

Today I published “Unkz, A Canadian Cosmonaut” the fourth and final volume of my “Walk With Dann Collection”.

The last chapter of my life, or as I should say, my various lives.

I pray that my honesty and confessions will touch at least one soul and prevent them from making the wrong choices I have made.

All my works are available at https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B078JNX5WV




I write my books for me.

I tell my stories for my readers.

I am not sure if my works are badly written good stories or well written bad stories.

Not too sure I care either way. I do care that, in my “Walk With Dann Collection”, I am telling my life as brutally truthful as possible. In shame and in honour.

I do care that my ‘stand alone’ books, such as “The Last Canadian Cosmonaut” touch your heart.

I pray that my other collection, “Walking On Dawes”, shows that the gang life, although often ‘exciting’, leads only to karma biting your buttocks.”

My Walk With Dann Collection

Volumes 1, 2 & 3

Damaged” is my first book.

Like me, it is raw and full of mistakes.

I have left it “unedited” as life has left me.


Walk With Dann Collection

Volume 1

A Walk from my birth till I meet my second wife.”

It is rough, crude in fact, numerous format conversion errors.

I left It raw on purpose as a testament to the honesty of my words and work.

It contains humour, murder, explosions and motorcycles.

It may or may not be fictional or may even be non-fictional.”


Walk With Dann Collection

Volume 2

Walks you through my middle years and three decades of marriage.”

It does not contain the excitement of it’s predecessor.”

It begins to show you who I was and who I was becoming.”



Walk With Dann Collection

Volume 3

Walks you deep into my personal life of trials and tribulations and my uniquely twisted none the norm perception of my realty.”

“Unkz, A Canadian Cosmonaut”

Volume 4 – Walk With Dann Collection

Unkz - A Canadian Cosmonaut

There are deeply complicated thoughts that haunt you, when you well know you are insane.

Insane by their standard.

I believe I am just Dann, just as I am.

I am not like others.

I am not them.

I am me.

Yet, there are multiple “me’s”.

And they are all I can or should be.

As the previous confessions of my life told within my first work, “Damaged, tells, I am, ‘broken

Began at birth.

Blue baby.

Unplanned child.

Unwanted but wanted.

And left to die before I had lived.

Only my deepest consciousness knows what I have experienced.

To keep my spirit alive my mind vaulted those days far in the depths of the encrypted memories.

Never to be re-lived.

Never to scar my soul once more.

Now, I am sixty-one years old and it is time for me to end this “Walk With Dann Collection” with this, my final volume.

To give closure to the three previous quarters of my numerous lives.

I am not soon to ascend.

But, my Walk With Dann Collection must contain a sincere final volume of my most innermost beliefs and thoughts.

For I cannot author them after I reach my own personal concept of Valhalla.

A final confession of both my rights and my wrongs.

I will utter exact truths, I will hold no quarter from exposing who I have become in the final quarter of a Canadian Cosmonaut’s life.

My life has been no different than yours.

My strife, my loves, my sorrows, my learning and my battlefield are far different than yours.

I present to you ………….

“Unkz, A Canadian Cosmonaut”

So, come, Walk With Dann.


(My first ‘standalone book‘ and my personal favorite.)

TLCC (2)


Here are the opening pages

The smell of the ocean danced on my nostrils as I walked, slipping and sliding, across the flats. My eyes darting to and fro, carefully scanning ahead for sink holes.

I should have been walking the other direction. Towards the junior high school. Towards hippie teachers trying to teach me of science, faith and nature.

I could hear the train in the distance. Pulling it’s tonnage of sugar cane around the bend to the refinery.

The tug boats crested the horizon. Their wake spewing behind them as they pushed against the mighty tanker so as to slow it’s unforgiving momentum. Lest it run ashore.

The shore. My foster home was there. High up the hill. It’s windows like two large eyes, taunting me with guilt.“Go to school“, they seemed to say.

I can’t”, my reply.”

Walking On Dawes Collection



Walking On Dawes Collection”

Volume 1”

This is a tale of a family who live their lives within the gang life. Except Little Ray. He and his family want him to break the cycle and live a normal life.”

There is tragedy, laughter and most of all ‘insight’ within.

Big Roy - Dedication

So come with us as we

Walk On Dawes.”


You Can’t See Me”

Walking On Dawes Collection

Volume 2

This is a portrait of a broken man living a broken life in a broken world where family and friendship are one and the same.

Where wrong choices can lead to lifelong regrets. Haunting the very soul and stabbing the heart daily to remind you of the penalties of actions.

Where a man can be all alone and un-noticed in a crowded room.

Where sadness shadows joy and joy masks sadness.

This is the life of one man on one street in one city.”


6315 – The Original Urban Viking”

Walking On Dawes Collection”

Volume 3”

Life can be unfair. It can be brutal.

Especially for an inner city young man growing up in the projects.

This is a tale of such a man. A man who walked many paths. Who made choices – good and bad. Who experienced love, hate, joy and sadness and bears the scars to show their result.

A man who chose the path of gang life over grade school classes. A man who’s rocking horse was a Harley Davidson. His playground was the streets. His graduation was held in a Federal Penitentiary.

A man who found remorse and regrets haunting him throughout his adulthood.

A man who wanted out.

A man who wished for peace in his soul and calmness in his heart.

His name,

6315 – The Original Urban Viking”

6315 Back Cover






Many ask me why l write.

I write my books for me.

I tell my stories for my readers.

I am not sure if my works are badly written good stories or well written bad stories.

Not too sure I care either way. I do care that, in my “Walk With Dann Collection”, I am telling my life as brutally truthful as possible. In shame and in honour.

I do care that my ‘stand alone’ books, such as “The Last Canadian Cosmonaut” touch your heart.

I pray that my other collection, “Walking On Dawes”, shows that the gang life, although often ‘exciting’, leads only to karma biting your buttocks.”

My Walk With Dann Collection

Volumes 1, 2 & 3

Damaged” is my first book.

Like me, it is raw and full of mistakes.

I have left it “unedited” as life has left me.


Walk With Dann Collection

Volume 1

A Walk from my birth till I meet my second wife.”

It is rough, crude in fact, numerous format conversion errors.

I left It raw on purpose as a testament to the honesty of my words and work.

It contains humour, murder, explosions and motorcycles.

It may or may not be fictional or may even be non-fictional.”


Walk With Dann Collection

Volume 2

Walks you through my middle years and three decades of marriage.

It does not contain the excitement of it’s predecessor.

It begins to show you who I was and who I was becoming.”




Walk With Dann Collection

Volume 3

Walks you deep into my personal life of trials and tribulations and my uniquely twisted none the norm perception of my realty.”

So, come, Walk With Dann.


(My first ‘standalone book‘, my personal favorite.)

The smell of the ocean danced on my nostrils as I walked, slipping and sliding, across the flats. My eyes darting to and fro, carefully scanning ahead for sink holes.

I should have been walking the other direction. Towards the junior high school. Towards hippie teachers trying to teach me of science, faith and nature.

I could hear the train in the distance. Pulling it’s tonnage of sugar cane around the bend to the refinery.

The tug boats crested the horizon. Their wake spewing behind them as they pushed against the mighty tanker so as to slow it’s unforgiving momentum. Lest it run ashore.

The shore. My foster home was there. High up the hill. It’s windows like two large eyes, taunting me with guilt.“Go to school“, they seemed to say.

I can’t”, my reply.

Walking On Dawes Collection



Walking On Dawes Collection”

Volume 1”

Big Roy - Dedication

This is a tale of a family who live their lives within the gang life. Except Little Ray. He and his family want him to break the cycle and live a normal life.”

There is tragedy, laughter and most of all ‘insight’ within.

So come with us as we

Walk On Dawes.”



You Can’t See Me”

Walking On Dawes Collection

Volume 2

This is a portrait of a broken man living a broken life in a broken world where family and friendship are one and the same.

Where wrong choices can lead to lifelong regrets. Haunting the very soul and stabbing the heart daily to remind you of the penalties of actions.

Where a man can be all alone and un-noticed in a crowded room.

Where sadness shadows joy and joy masks sadness.

This is the life of one man on one street in one city.

A man who let his darkness blind his Light.




They say I am tough, but yet, I feel so rough.

This mask I wear has gotten me where?


Like Kid rock says,

“I’ve ate out of dumpsters and dined with Kings.”

Like the clock shows,

I have experienced many things.

Yet, in sorrow I have walked my many roads.

For the life I have lived was mostly alone.


I am, therefore I think

I have experienced pain and I have witnessed their sorrow.

I hope that they can forgive me on the ‘morrow.

For always in my heart I hold this sorrow.

Perhaps I should have been born in a swamp.

For an outlaw life seems what I want.

I have buried my Mother and 98 friends.

I wake each morning wondering,



Upper and middle class well to do people have no concept whatsoever as to what the average person goes through just to survive.

I live in Toronto, we have more people than any other city in Canada, show me where these people are speaking up about Canadian politics – they will gather in flocks to protest American politics, but not for our problems.

Facebook protests are as useless as tits on a bull. Where are these people speaking out? Instagram? Twitter? Tim Horton’s?

Most are still trying to figure out why we have a Prime Minister and a President because no one has taught them that Canada and the U.S. are two separate countries.

For the love of the Creators, they voted in a man because he has nice hair and legalized pot.

The world is boxed, society lives in a “Don’t hurt my feelings” world – it will eventually end bad.

Trudeau is destroying Canadian values, our Court systems are ancient and now we think there are more than two sexes.

Here is a picture of the Supreme Court of Canada Judges with their families …

photo of monkeys

Photo by Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush on Pexels.com

I won’t even start about how insane our education system is.

I shake my head all the time.

The average person on the street are not even aware that Canada and the U.S. are two separate countries.

We have our downtown core filled with elderly, homeless and mentally damaged people living on the boiling hot concrete – stroll through the valleys, off the glamorized bike paths and see how many tents there are.


Banning guns is a token band-aid media treat to show the public that politicians are maybe listening.

Never met a gang-banger in my life that applied for a carry licence.

Third Strike Law, no plea bargaining, one sentence for murder, no bail for any weapons and stop making Canadian prisons like Boy Scout camps.

I did time in old school Dorchester in the 70’s – never went back. It was a prison, not a Holiday Inn.

We live in such a delusional time where we worry more about hurting feelings or making prisoners “comfortable”, where the media spends more time discussing the heart ache of a murderers family than the distraught felt by the 15 victim families.

You cannot tell me about the criminal element and what will work – I’ve spent 60 years dealing with such. I have seen and done things that no human should have did or even witnessed.

Upper and middle class well to do people have no concept whatsoever as to what the average person goes through just to survive. Most of us survive on $18,000 a year of which $11,000 or more goes for rent. You Liberal supporters spend that on beer.

Read my books.


Canada needs to wake the frack up and people need to get off their fat asses on Election Day and vote. But, they are too busy bitching on Social Media.

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