What’s Up With Etobicoke, Ontario?

What is up with the Etobicoke area?

Is it in some strange magnetic vortex?

Perhaps the water may be tainted?

The reason I ponder this is the high volume of violent, and often brutal, crimes in the neighborhood.

Numerous stabbings. Often taking place within multigenerational homes. (Which leaves one to believe they are mainly the result of domestic abuse situations.)

When you hear the words “Etobicoke nightclub” you expect the next word to be, “shooting“.

Everyday there are carjackings. Violent ones. It’s not unusual to have the use of a firearm in the commission of the offense.

It is disheartening when the first thing you think of when you hear the word “Etobicoke” you automatically think, “murder“.

The times they are a changing.

Yet, I fear in which direction.


Sixty-six and a half years old.

I do not feel 66 and a half years old. Not physically at all.

When I look in the mirror I do not see a 66 year old.

With all my body has been through these past 5 years, you would think that I would be gray haired, skinny and wheelchair bound.

I must say that I am bouncing back.

You can still tell that I am very sick, but I carry it well.

A smile can save a life

People say, “You are such a strong person.”

I am no one special.

Here now in my senior years I am a humbled.

I am grateful.

I survived mainly due to my absolute refusal to allow depression or drama remain in my life.

I quickly learned that positivity is the only way one can obtain a positive life.

Positivity is a powerful weapon.

It can defeat the deepest of depressions.

It can keep cancer on hold.

It can give you riches better than gold.

It will become the wind beneath your wings and lift you into a glorious life in the “Light“.

Like I said, when I look in my mirror I find it difficult to believe I am my age.

Spiritually I am aged. Ancient even.

The mirror doesn’t lie about what is captured our eye.

I do see a warrior’s reflection of me.

A well weathered crusader and champion King.

Viking in all aspects.

Survivors instinct fuels the “Light”.

For, in the mirror, I see

The Original Urban Viking.

I see, “me.

I see you!”

What Is Netanyahu Holding Over Our Government?

I am against war of any kind for any reason.

War has never solved any conflict.

Hamas is wrong!

Israel is wrong!

We are wrong for allowing this genocide!

In all of recorded history there has NEVER been a time of peace in the Middle East.

Think about that for a while.

So, Netanyahu and his terrorist forces attack the civilians who were trying to get food from the aid convoy and STILL our government and the coward Americans are not doing a damn thing. 

What is Israel holding over the Americans and us that our leaders are too afraid to speak up and take action???

If it were Al Qaeda there would be immediate action and numerous sanctions.

Yet, Netanyahu and the Israeli Baby Killing Terrorist IDF are committing war crime upon war crime and laughing in our faces.

Israel has gone way, way too far.

Watch Netanyahu’s face when he speaks about the slaughtering of innocent Palestinians.

He gets the same evil grin on his lying face every time.

He is proud of killing children.

He smiles more as he bluntly says he has full intention of wiping ALL Palestinians off the face of the planet and he does not care what the world says about him doing so.

“Genocide” in every definition of the word.

The same attitude Hitler had towards the Jews.

Something they are still talking about all these years later.

But, it is okay with us that he commits so many war crimes and is killing innocent noncombatant victims.

Israel will never receive an ounce of respect or sympathy from me in my lifetime.

They are no better than the Natzi’s, Al Qaeda or the Taliban.

I am ashamed of my government for their being too cowardly to take action.

Another Monday’s Wisdom

There is no ‘Light’ in my eyes.

The above picture was taken 5 years ago.

I had just gotten off of life support. (Again!).

My spleen had literally exploded. For no apparent reason.

Adding to the trauma, I had begun the experimental radical radiation treatments for my cancers.

I would endure 80 sessions in 20 days .2 back to back sessions every morning and 2 six hours later. Nonstop for 20 days.

I was struggling mentally and physically.

Look at my eyes, they have no emotion.

The exploding spleen took it’s toll on my body. I bled out, needed 16 units of blood, dropped dead, was resuscitated and dependent upon life support for the tenth time and the battle for my life was beginning to become a tough road.

And look at me now 5 years later, still standing,  still battling cancer,  a couple of years back I died one more time, making that 11 times, resuscitation, life support, the advanced osteoporosis and all my other ailments and issues.

I am at peace with the pain and tragedy that plagues my life. It has been the one ‘constant‘ in my life. From birth to now.

And I am fine with that and all the above.

All I have experienced and survived has opened my life to peace and tranquility.

I am ‘humbled’, simple as that.

I am also grateful beyond words.

They say that we are never given more than we can handle.

If that be the truth then I should have been born with a wheelbarrow, for life has been a heavy load upon the backbone of my existence.

Yet, I am no more special than you, or anyone else.

Why would I be?

We are who we are.

We are not who we pretend to be.

We are all the same, yet no two of us are alike.

No soul is lesser than nor greater than than the soul of another.

We are all equal but we are hindered by our genetic human fallacies.

Our genetically instilled greed and dominance leads us to the bigotry and judgmental behaviors that we so easily display numerous times day.

Until we can evolve past this need to  be the “king of the castle“, we will forever have conflict and aggression in our society.

Be true to yourself and also to life itself.

Practise compassion, truthfulness, forgiveness and integrity.

Ignore deceit,  bigotry, judgements, violence and hate.

Be who you are and who you hope to become. At all times.

Not only as a ploy to obtain an objective. That is deception and of extreme dishonesty. No good can come from that.

The traumas of these past 5 years taught me many things.

The most important of all I learned is that if you want a good life, then become a good person.

Not only when people are near,  but even when you are completely alone.

Since I became the ‘Dann‘ that I now am, my life has been Blessed.

The constant chronic pain and the diseases are a reality. Real is real.

I refuse to allow the cancers, the traumas or such things to define or affect who I am or who I am to become.

Life is a precious gift and I am humbled and grateful for the life I have.

I am “Dann“.

Just as I am.

Of Life And Other Misdemeanors

Life is black and white.

What is, simply is.

What will be, will be.

Reality is real, in the truest sense.

Living resides in the lighter shades of pale.

Blended into the shadowy gray areas of darkness.

Each moment of breath dissipates into the brilliance of the ‘White‘ or hidden in the murkiness of the ‘Black‘.

We are born with a blind ambition to seek our journey’s pathway through the foggy mists of each new dawn’s glistening dew.

The events of existence create a  kaleidoscope of Pixie colours so brilliant.

And stark glares of Darkness’ brilliant flares.

Colours bright, good ying and bad yang, blending to become black, colours none.

Becoming monochromatic memories.

All colours lost to thee.

Black and white realities of days of futures past and promises of life’s last lust.

Imprisoned within the black Darkness lay our sorrows, our trespasses, our regrets so many, our tears shed true, our daily strifes, our lies told true, our memories best forgotten, our hurts, too.

Obscured beneath the Darkness bright.

Lost in day, forgotten in night.

Some stay hidden, in plain sight. 

Blind we be, from white on white.

The brilliancy of life, lived right.

There, in the warmth of pristine white, lay our laughter’s, our joys, our fondest of dreams, our strongest of orgasms, our greatest delights, our happiest of times, our dreams come true, our memories of those and of them and, of course, of you.

And I will gaze me still towards the Heavens.

As I always have, so I shall.

For matters not how fierce formed, the Darkness, nor the storms of Life.

For rise you high  as your soul may might.

Dance you will in Glory’s Light.

Remember this, true it be, no matter the storm, you may clearly see ……….

It is always sunny and bright above the storm.

Let not Darkness be your norm.

The Heavens brightly shine on thee.

And Darkness falls far,


never upon thee.

All that is good,


to be.

Wishing only to dance, amidst Celestial White Light.

Simply knowing, life is simply as complicated as simple may be.

Yet ….

Still ….

Black and white.

You surely see?

An Instance of Healthcare Failure

We all have horror stories regarding experiences with various healthcare professionals and institutions.

Majority of the time, inappropriate care received or some other type of medical interaction gets resolved in an appropriate manner.

This does not serve as a deterrent or to aid in the prevention of a recurrence of such episodes.

Due to my having more medical appointments and procedures than most people I have an inside and an outside understanding of system as a whole.

I have been victim to Emergency Room abuse, neglect and rudeness.

On numerous occasions I have witnessed the failure of the system.

But, the topic I wish to speak about today is the gap in the care of the disabled and seniors.

The fact that we categorize seniors and disabled in the same group is a sad portrait of how we are treating “the lost ones“. The ones we prefer not to discuss.

Specifically,  the lack of follow-up care and assistance post release from a hospital stay.

I’m going to use my neighbour, whose name I will withhold, as a prime example.

He is a lower limb amputee who’s in desperate need of surgery to remove his other leg due to complications of his diabetes and gangrene beginning to set in.

He has been waiting over two years for the “emergency” surgery.

He is also plagued with deep depression. He has made feeble suicide attempts. More a cry for help than a want for death.

Before his most recent hospitalization, his home life was depressing and lonely at best. His quality of life was almost nonexistent.

He should have an around the clock care giver or at the least access to care as needed.

Which he does, but due to his ongoing depression he strikes out at his PSW’s and refuses their assistance.

The best solution for him at this time would be longterm care in a communal manner, such as a Seniors residence or a nursing home.

This past week he was brought home and – literally – dumped into his electric wheelchair.

He had been in the hospital for a variety of medical issues and also for his depression.

During his hospitalization he received excellent medical care.

He was first told he would spend a week in ‘medical‘ and then be transferred to the ‘psych‘ unit.

Upon discussing this with the staff psychiatrist they decided him being in the chaos of the unit would be detrimental to his health.

He was discharged and delivered home by a patient transport service.

When he was brought into hospital via ambulance he was in wet soiled clothes.

When he was discharged the attendants pulled out the soiled pants from the plastic bag and dressed him in them.

The pants had sat soiled and wet in that bag for the eight days he was a patient.

When they reached his residence they literally lifted him from their stretcher and transferred him to his chair.  Then they left.

I understand that they have a job to do and they cannot provide care beyond safe transporting.

Thankfully, our building has twenty-four hour PSW’s and he was able to receive assistance in getting clean clothes and washed.

But, what if he didn’t have access to immediate care?

There are many seniors and disabled people out there who do not.

PSW’s are in short supply and the ones available are stressed out by the workload forced upon them.

These patients are left to acclimate to being at home after a lengthy hospitalization on their own and to the limitations of their health.

I call them ‘patients’ because even when they are in their own homes they are still in need of nursing and support care.

They do not have someone who is there to help them out of soiled clothes.

They are not as fortunate as my neighbour.

They are in a treatment and care limbo.

Alienated from the benefits of proper homecare.

The ‘gray‘ void in our present healthcare.

This is a major issue in our healthcare system. Or, rather I should say ‘homecare‘?

This gap in the system exists where disabled and seniors are left to care for themselves at a time that they are not capable of doing so properly.

A gap that must be bridged.

We must develop a viable strategy to unifiy the complete plan of care for all patients.

A streamlined way to provide one complete treatment.

From pre-hospitalization to post-hospitalizaion.

One who will oversee and assist the patient in preparing for the treatment,  be there to control the logistics throughout the hospitalization and assure that upon discharge all necessary plans of aftercare are in place.

Healthcare’s equivalent to an air traffic controller’. 

Many seniors and disabled people are simply ‘existing‘. Their quality of life is substandard to say the least.

Many have lost hope. Most because they know there is no hope for a better existence.

Many have resigned themselves into believing that the state of their life will only worsen as they grow older.

Causing them to live in fear.

Those with disabilities live in the constant fear that their physical condition could worsen and they could lose whatever little mobility they have left.

The changes the system must make and definitely needs can not and will not be done in haste.

Realistically we are talking a decade, if not longer, to fully implement and to have it become the norm.

There lays no doubt whatsoever that our present healthcare system is collapsing.

Post pandemic PTSD amongst all the staff of our hospitals,  from the surgeons down to the housekeeping departments, is obvious.

Even though they smile and do their best to make their patients comfortable,  you can see the stress and burnout in their faces.

The most crucial departments of every hospital in the province are far understaffed and patient overloaded.

Which to date has caused the closure of fourteen emergency departments in our province.

There are simply not enough emergency room doctors, nurses, nurses aids, PSW’s or any other support staff.

With Premier Ford wanting to ‘privatize‘ surgery clinics he will create a far greater shortage of hospital support staff. They will lured our of the hospitals to the higher wages offered in the private sector.

A hospital is like a stack of Jenga blocks.

You can remove blocks with out endangering the structure. But, remove blocks from the very foundation and collapse is eminent.

Simply put, if the Emergency Department is overwhelmed then the numerous other departments are soon to follow.

Change would first have to begin within the core functions of patient care.

Such things as:

More streamlined triage procedures.

Proper patient to nurse ratio to be maintained at all times.

More doctors present in the Emergency Department. Not ‘on call‘ and therefore not on the premises.

A set mandate to secure timely and efficient aftercare upon a patient’s discharge.

Open transparent communication between all involved with a patient’s medical, in-patient care, safe discharge and in place homecare as necessary.

A logistical coordination for patients from their diagnosis, throughout their treatment and including homecare recovery.

This is not simply something that we are discussing, but rather something that is already beginning.

It is still in the basic stage of it’s infancy.

The Province of Ontario has formed fifty-six “Ontario Health Teams”.

Recently I was honoured with an offer to take a seat on an ‘Engagement Team‘. I am now a proud but humbled member of such a team with the “Downtown East Toronto – Ontario Health Team“. The DET-OHT for short.

As I have said,  I am honoured to have this opportunity to be a part of change for better future.

Whether it is a minuscule part or an integral part makes no matter.

What matters is that we are making a difference for the betterment of us all.

I don’t do these type of things for fame or glory. Nor kudos or awards.

I do it because change only happens when change happens.

Here is a quote from the Downtown East Toronto – Ontario Health Team webpage.

Which can be found at:


The Downtown East Toronto Ontario Health Team is a group of health and social service partners who have deep roots in the community and is committed to creating an integrated system of care.

Our vision is to provide our community with seamless access to inclusive, high quality, and responsive care through one connected system of diverse providers and community members who enthusiastically embody holistic approaches to improving population and individual health and well-being.”

Check out their website for more detailed information.

There are many organizations and groups that have realized the severity of our healthcare crisis,  for it is in crisis, and are getting onboard the train of healthcare evolution.

That have the collective goal of creating a more efficient and unified system of healthcare.

Every one of these groups and organizations are in desperate need of participants.

Google your Neighbourhood sites and see if there may be one that you could be part of.

The more of us who step up to bat, the faster we can enable change.

The quicker we can alleviate the suffering of those who the system has or is failing.

It’s a time of man that demand we care for one another.

Please, care.

September Morning

I rose afresh, before the dawn.

Seeking solitude’s comfort, the rising Sun.

There, a fawn nestled upon my lawn.

Morning’s dew diamonds upon it’s fur.

I prayed my presence caused no stir.

It, too, comforted by the rising Sun.

This a moment, forever to remember.

Picture perfect, morning in September.

Now day starts, peaceful in it’s way.

Sun’s crimson hue, ignites the day.

Come the evening, Sun sets West.

I lay me down, on pillow’s I rest.

Smile escapes as I reminisce day’s start.

A Hallmark moment forever in my heart.

The beauty of this morning past.

Pray I do this serenity does last.


Oh Darkness, Darkness, near and far

There you are, there you are

Here I stand with joy in my eyes.

My ears hear not your beckoning cries

I am too strong for you to deceive

Darkened deceit powerless here

No longer trapped or do I fear

Dance I will in glowing Light

Wallow you in Darkness of night

Come morning anew each day

Smile and joy find their way

Deep within mind so bright

Appreciation’s gratitude

Ignites life’s Light

Head held high with steps of pride

Confidence built with every stride

Come upon you another man

Enlighten his spirit as best you can

Walk into life with respect and pride

Never allow the fallacies of some

To query who you have become

Occassions may cause life to stumble

Recover you stride, stay you humble


Will History Remember?

I am left to wonder if 80 years from now will we be speaking about the slaughter of the tens of thousands noncombatant innocent Palestinian civilians in the Gaza strip.

I have been greatly affected by this Israeli/Hamas War. I fear the political tensions in the Middle East.

I have feared the unrest in the Middle East for as long as I can remember.

The reasoning being the constant armed conflicts that have plagued the Middle Eastern countries since before the recording of history.

Literally, for all known time there has been one war after another. There has never been a time of peace in the Middle East. Never!

Why has this been?

What is it that causes so many different countries to have continuous conflict?

I cannot comprehend how society has evolved and advanced so scientifically, technologically and domestically, yet, spiritually we are stagnated.

Religious Faith becomes involved and we revert back to the barbaric bigotry and hateful judgement of long past millennials.

What may happen worries me deeply.

The Israeli/Hamas war has dragged many nations into the mix due to the development of global disgust of Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The average Joe or Jane does not understand how easily this may escalate into, firstly, a ‘regional’ war, secondarily, a ‘continental’ war and eventually a ‘global’ war.

This is why it is extremely important that we, the people of the world, stand up as one voice and demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

No matter what, the past cannot be changed. Regardless of what took place in days long past, all people should have the basic right to a place they may call home.

The Palestinian deserve to have a homeland.

A two state resolution between Israel and Palestine is the best and only resolution.

You know it. I know it. We all know it.

If we expect to avoid extinction, then it is time we stop pretending all is well and stand up to the warmongers and say, “Enough is enough.”

War is not the answer and solves nothing.

The Hamas are wrong.

Israel is wrong.

We all are in the wrong because we turn a blind eye and keep silent.

It is time to make peace with each other.

History will record the atrocities and war crimes of Israel.

The outright genocidal slaughter of noncombatant Palestinians, many of whom are children, will not get swept under the carpet.

Israel will forever be remembered for denying the genocide of the Palestinians. Stating they are merely ‘collateral damage’ in Israel’s quest to kill every and all Hamas terrorists.

They will also carry the shame of being “killers of seniors and, sadly, babies.

Let’s once and for all stand as one voice and demand an end to mankind’s need for conflict and let us do our best to give peace a chance.