
The pathway to the essence and tranquility of our mind is simplistic yet complex.

To know one’s self is the final realization of life’s diversity.

The final step to inner peace.

Be humble first and foremost.

Be kind even when faced with aggression.

Be the person who you believe yourself to be.

Above all,  “be”.


I am sickened by the fact that the whole world has pussyfooted and walked on eggshells and allowed Netanyahu and his Band of Baby Killers to commit war crime on top of war crime!

If it were any other country you all would have stopped them ages ago.

Instead you have allowed the SLAUGHTER of over 32,000 noncombatant women and children.

Yes, you are beginning to speak up now that there is little left of Gaza.

You should have spoke up long ago!

I have lost all respect for Israel. I strongly doubt that I will ever regain an ounce of respect for them again.

(I must remind everyone that antisemitism towards Jews in other countries is wrong and should not be taking place.)

Turn that anger towards Netanyahu and the IDF.


Demand that they be held responsible for the genocide!

If it were any other nation you would have already done so, but for some ungodly reason everyone kisses Israel’s blood soaked ass.

Put sanctions in place, cut off all supplying Israel with arms and funding.

Treat them like the TERRORISTS they have become!!!

Netanyahu should be standing before a war crimes tribunal.

And we should all be in Gaza assisting his victims.

In my opinion Netanyahu is a modern day Hitler.

Einstein Was Correct

Unfortunately, we are living in a world where many people have lost contact with reality.

Their brains dumbed by social media and lack of education.

Seems like they would rather look for and engage negativity rather than see the beauty and the realness in the world around them.

I see society riding this downhill slide and I fear it shall definitely end with the collapse of communal life as we know it.

Our only hope is that we who do see what is happening lead by example with guidance accompanied by education in morality, family values and respect for all life.

Einstein once said that there would come a time where we will manufacture technology that we are not evolved enough to understand.

As usual, he was correct.

Just look at what social media has done to society.

Of Life And Other Misdemeanors

Life is black and white.

What is, simply is.

What will be, will be.

Reality is real, in the truest sense.

Living resides in the lighter shades of pale.

Blended into the shadowy gray areas of darkness.

Each moment of breath dissipates into the brilliance of the ‘White‘ or hidden in the murkiness of the ‘Black‘.

We are born with a blind ambition to seek our journey’s pathway through the foggy mists of each new dawn’s glistening dew.

The events of existence create a  kaleidoscope of Pixie colours so brilliant.

And stark glares of Darkness’ brilliant flares.

Colours bright, good ying and bad yang, blending to become black, colours none.

Becoming monochromatic memories.

All colours lost to thee.

Black and white realities of days of futures past and promises of life’s last lust.

Imprisoned within the black Darkness lay our sorrows, our trespasses, our regrets so many, our tears shed true, our daily strifes, our lies told true, our memories best forgotten, our hurts, too.

Obscured beneath the Darkness bright.

Lost in day, forgotten in night.

Some stay hidden, in plain sight. 

Blind we be, from white on white.

The brilliancy of life, lived right.

There, in the warmth of pristine white, lay our laughter’s, our joys, our fondest of dreams, our strongest of orgasms, our greatest delights, our happiest of times, our dreams come true, our memories of those and of them and, of course, of you.

And I will gaze me still towards the Heavens.

As I always have, so I shall.

For matters not how fierce formed, the Darkness, nor the storms of Life.

For rise you high  as your soul may might.

Dance you will in Glory’s Light.

Remember this, true it be, no matter the storm, you may clearly see ……….

It is always sunny and bright above the storm.

Let not Darkness be your norm.

The Heavens brightly shine on thee.

And Darkness falls far,


never upon thee.

All that is good,


to be.

Wishing only to dance, amidst Celestial White Light.

Simply knowing, life is simply as complicated as simple may be.

Yet ….

Still ….

Black and white.

You surely see?

Really Biden? Blocking a ceasefire again?

Why does the United States keep kissing Israel’s butt?

You claim to be a “world power” yet you stand beside and support the outright slaughter of children and civilians in Gaza.

Hamas is in the wrong.

Israel is as much in the wrong as the Hamas.

The United States are supporting genocide and assisting in creating the largest humanitarian crisis in modern times.

Israel will go down in history as no better than the Natzi’s,  the Hamas or any other TERRORIST organization.  For they have crossed the line of decency and should be labeled for what they have become, “terrorists.”

Netanyahu has to be stopped.

The slaughter must stop!

September Morning

I rose afresh, before the dawn.

Seeking solitude’s comfort, the rising Sun.

There, a fawn nestled upon my lawn.

Morning’s dew diamonds upon it’s fur.

I prayed my presence caused no stir.

It, too, comforted by the rising Sun.

This a moment, forever to remember.

Picture perfect, morning in September.

Now day starts, peaceful in it’s way.

Sun’s crimson hue, ignites the day.

Come the evening, Sun sets West.

I lay me down, on pillow’s I rest.

Smile escapes as I reminisce day’s start.

A Hallmark moment forever in my heart.

The beauty of this morning past.

Pray I do this serenity does last.

Black and White, the True Colours of Life

My true intentions of life lived is as simple as this picture.

Life is black and white with a kaleidoscope of color in between.

The colours of emotions.

There lays the black Darkness of deceits and depression with their sublime intents lurking in the gray areas of doubts and uncertainty.

The brightness of love and friendship are locked within the hidden hues that are visible only when the inner truth of ones real self is offered as the persona known as ‘you’.

It matters not if ones brightest colours are visible at all, as long as the true colours are mirrored by your personality.

Come the brightest of day or the darkness of night, in the end all colours will lay hidden safely behind the shadows of a monochromatic aura.

To walk through existence bathed in a rainbow of  neon colours exposes the falsehoods of the you who you think others wish to know.

A humbled soul with confidence of self needs no colour to shine bright.

For a well deserved life is black and white.

I pray my life has been well lived..

The Song No Longer Remains The Same


(Do not take this blog the wrong way. I do not condone the use of Heroin or any street opiate.)

My lifestyle back then was that of “Shake Verner“, a young buck living a nomadic and rebellious youth – certainly not today’s lifestyles of “Dann” or “LightHouse“.

BUT, with that said ……...

One of my favourite memories from back in the day was listening to this genre of song while Sister Heroin wrapped her captive arms around my soul and nodded me off to the psychedelic purple haze of Electric Lady Land.

The Animals”, Led Zeppelin, “Lou Reed”, “Frank Zappa”, Brian Eno, Uriah Heep, Moody Blues and, most certainly, “McKenna Mendelson Mainline” – were but a few of my influences.

There was one who I placed upon a higher pedestal than all others. It was necessary as there was no other who fell under the realm of his unique styles.

Until this very day there are no others that compare to or can be considered to be in the same genre as this genius.

He stood alone in his unique style and unmatched talent.

He” being the demigod of modern guitar, the late, “Jimi Hendrix”.

I held a special sweet embrace for Jimi Hendrix’s blues tunes. Albums such as “Band of Gypsies” or “Live At Fillmore’s East”.

I preferred his deep, soulful blues over his acid rock. Titles such as “Changes” or “Machine Gun”.

Most others were mesmerized by his mainstream songs. Songs such as “Purple Haze” or “Hey Joe”.

It was a time of global change and the dawning of a new age.

The age of Aquarius.

The age we are currently experiencing and traveling through.

Throughout this time, that was me, in the corner, losing my religion.

My soul waiting at the crossroads.

Lost in time.

Lost in space.

Forever remaining, out of place.

Me” – a stranger in a strange land.

The Last Canadian Cosmonaut.

The Original Urban Viking.

And so it came to be that this was the music that molded “me”.

What Colour Are These Eyes

They change colours more often now.

Trying to figure out what damn colour my eyes are! It’s annoying me.

I was born with blue eyes. One on each side – identical twins.

When I was a Heroin addict they turned a dark hazel.

During my cocaine addiction years they were bright blue,(also my hair turned from dirty blonde to ginger, I swear.)

All my life, anytime I was severely injured or had major surgery my eyes, (both of them – they do everything together, would turn a dark gray.)

I have no clue what colour they are this day!

I would appreciate what may you say.