I Wish These Youth Could Get The Message Contained Within My Life Experiences

The weapon violence in Toronto is beyond belief.

Youth shooting each other.

Gang conflicts.

Just today, a woman driving in the downtown area gets in an argument with a pedestrian, stops her car, opens her trunk and whips out a shotgun and fires. She hit her intended target and a man going by on a bicycle.

Who drives around with a shotgun in their trunk?

This is the type of insanity I speak of in almost all my books.

In both my fictional autobiography series, “WALK WITH DANN COLLECTION” and my “WALKING ON DAWES COLLECTION.”

My focus being on the hard truths that come from a life of crime, drugs, weapons and gangs.

I show how no matter who you think you are or how clever a criminal you conceive yourself to be, sooner or later it all ends bad. Karma and Chaos always prevail.

I wish that somehow these misguided and waste youth could read my life and stories and see the message I pass along. To see how my own life has been a half century of remorse.


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